Sunday Worship: 6pm Evensong using Book of Common Prayer (BCP)
Our normal pattern of Services is:
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays the service is BCP Evensong at 6pm.
- 4th Sunday the service is BCP Holy Communion at 6pm
- 5th Sunday (when one occurs) is often a Benefice Service when all congregations in the Benefice gather together at one of the four churches for a service of Holy Communion at 10:30 am.
- Occasionally the pattern is changed and a Benefice service is held for special reasons
Note that we are trying an experiment this year to change our service time for the winter months.
From 27 October 2024 when the clocks go back until 30th March 2025 when they go forward
All our Services will start at 4:00PM
For full details of the current services click on Services Listings.
The setting for the weekly evening service is quite idyllic and full of charm. Wully Perks, a local lay reader, Who takes our services regularly, is shown preaching at the celebration of the anniversary of the death of William Tyndale who lived and worked next door at Little Sodbury Manor House. It was during his time there that God called him to translate and publish the first Bible in the English language – a cause that led to his untimely death a few years later.
Read more about the William Tyndale connection..