Events of the past week have brought into sharp focus the choices we face with regard to the Cross of Jesus. Following the path of the cross was eloquently demonstrated in the selfless sacrifice made by the French policeman Arnaud Beltrame.. Speaking of his outstanding sacrifice to save the life of another, his priest said of him ‘ only faith can explain the madness of this sacrifice.’
What would we have done?
The divisive nature of following Jesus Christ in the path of suffering was demonstrated that first Palm Sunday. There were two processions planned for that day. While we are familiar with that of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey we may not know of a traditional parade taking place on the other side of the city as Pontius Pilate rode into town on horseback to assert once again the authority of Rome. The people had a choice – would they follow the powers or would they give their support to Jesus the Messiah who came into town on a donkey – a symbol of peace?
The choices we face today are much the same. Do we go with the flow? Or do we follow our hearts and the path of righteousness?