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The Power of Love

All who watched the Royal Wedding on May 19 were taken by surprise - and riveted to our seats. In true Black American style Bishop Michael Curry wove his message around the theme The Power of Love. He opened by quoting Dr Martin Luther King "We must discover the power...

Giving Thanks for Yvonne

On Saturday 28th April we gathered to give thanks for the life of Yvonne Brae who served us for four years as Associate Priest. Her energy and humour will long be remembered with gratitude. We are especially grateful to God for the effort she made in...

The Hard Decision

Events of the past week have brought into sharp focus the choices we face with regard to the Cross of Jesus. Following the path of the cross was eloquently demonstrated in the selfless sacrifice made by the French policeman Arnaud Beltrame..

Even More Meaningful

An event becomes even more meaningful when connected with people we know and appreciate. That is how it is with this week’s premiere performance of Jonathan Crow’s Thousand Colours of Sunset Requiem. Jonathan is our organist at St John’s Church, Chipping Sodbury and composing this ten-movement requiem has been his labour-of-love for the past two years

Meeting at the Cross

Bishop Rachel shows her cross which was given to her at the time she was appointed Bishop of Gloucester. It was a very meaningful gfit from the church in Mozambiue, a wor-torn country that she had visited often.

The Bible Says…

Anyone who is familiar with the preaching Billy Graham will recognise these oft-quoted words of his. He recognised that the Bible gave him his authority. On Wednesday Feb 21 Billy (as he liked to be called) passed away aged 99. A great man of God, a leader...

Going for Gold

The Olympic Games always grab our attention - and our hearts leap when we hear that Team GB has won another medal - especially when it's gold!!  Ben Ainslie struck gold big time in sailing events at the 2012 Olympics here in UK. Now at the Winter Olympics...

Innovation – a Risky Business

Innovating can be risky – because it takes us places we have never been before. But that is also what makes it so exciting. It is the substance of faith – stepping out into the unknown.
That is how it has been with StorKies – a successful weekly programme for tots and their carers.


Suffering from depression is not something we should ever be ashamed of…..Many of us can identify with feeling depressed at some times in our lives – and we may not even be aware of what triggers it. Some people, however, face a constant battle with depression such that it becomes a daily struggle.

And What About Halloween…?

With Halloween just around the corner we might be wondering what to do… especially with our children. They are under a lot of peer pressure. What should be our Christian position on what is fundamentally a celebration of evil – to upstage the day that follows: All Saints Day on November 1st?

Thanks for sharing… God bless you and fill you with his peace…!